Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Questionaire Feedback

After giving out my questionaire a week ago ive finally collected all the results in.I was very suprised and intrigued by the answers and it made the questionaire feel really worth while.Once i got all the questionaires back i scanned them into the computer,here they're below:











The thing that interested me the most was the wide range of different answers,i didnt expected so many conflicting ideas but it made me very aware of people opinions.When giving out the questionaire i gave it to manily teenage girls,however i inluded some eldery people as i thought it would be interesting to see there opinions to my questions.And as expected theyre very different to those of the teenage audience.Which has helped me alo understanding how different ages of audiences consume music differently.
The final results of my questionaire are:
Q1: what would you say is the most important element to consider when planning my music video?
Q2: thinking off the top of your head,what does a music video include?
Q3: look at the screen shots below,what're your attitudes to these pop albums out right now?And what message do you feel they portray?
6 people had postive attitudes,3 people negative.
Q4: When making my music video i need to choose an exsisting song that i can put a video to.Please state below which lyrics would be the best for me to work with?
6/10 people said Ariana Grande ft Iggy Azealea-Problem


Monday, 20 October 2014


When making my music video i need to use lyrics froma an existing video.What lyrics do you think will be best to use?
Ariana Grande ft Iggy Azealea-Problem
Beyonce-Drunk in love
Katy Perry-Roar
Taylor Swift-Shake it off
Poll Maker

Friday, 17 October 2014


As apart of my audience research and planning i wanted to create a questionaire that gets the opinions from the audience that will help me when making decison about my product.My first part of the audience research is this questionaiire below.Ive asked only 4 questions but they're very broad and will need to be explained.I thought it would be more benefitial to get some answers in depth instead of just ticking boxes.Because of that,i made some of the questions different.Some you have to tick a box,and other you actually have to write answer down.

Ive printed out 10 copies of this example out.Ive distributed them bewteen all differnet age groups in rder to obtain a mixed result of feedback.Once the questionaires have been handed back im going to collate the results.Not only doi think it will be interstig to see peoples opinions,i believe it will help me infulence me in thr ight weay when making my product.I set it out in a full colourful way as more people may be intriguede to write there feedback down.I also added a few photogrpahs in order to make the questionaire more visual and appealing to answer.

Here is my compleetd questionaiire i created below:

Conventions of pop music videos

Friday, 10 October 2014

Lyric Analysis

This is my lyric analysis for my chosen song.I decided to annotate it on paper as i felt it would allow me to write more rather than if i just did it on a word document.Like before on my lyrics timings i highlighted each performers lines to make it more clearer when it comes tot he actual perfromane-keeping the same colours for eah person so it stands out to them more.When analysing thee lyrics i found quite alot of the lyrics repeated themselves,which ment i only analsysed them once for obvious reasons.I found Iggys rapping section in the middle of the song the easiet to analyse,i think this was because the lines were quite snappy and often rhymed with eachother.They had a lot of information that linked back to the lyrics of Ariana whicvh allowed me to compare them quite effectively.

The running theme throughout the song is having a problem with a boy,which makee sense at the title of the song is Problem.This theme runs all the wya through the song and works well in creating a narrative.I noticed by the lyrics you can also can a sense of the attiude int he way the perfromers are sayig the lyrics by the use of the puncutation,this allowed me to think about how i want me performers to come across and it what section of lyrics theyll need to exsuede attitude.

When continuing to deconstruct the lyrics i relaised that every line is fiarly short,i then realsied this is probabl because of the pace of the song.The short snapy line allow the music to flow quickly and effectively,which really does work when you watch the orginal music video.As youll be able ot ell also when analysing the lyrics locations of places to sot my video popped into my head and i noted them down on the sheets.I think this was because as iw as going through i was getting ideas of places thad work well o shoto certain parts.Its enabled me to gather a few location ideas wch i didn think its have in mind so early,just by looking t the lyrics-but i am glad aboutt his,is shows the lyrics can relate to a specifc area.

I also notified some of the lyrics have some what connoatations to them.Ariana says the lyrics 'head in the clouds' repeatley i analysd this and thought it could mean thts hes blinded my love and she cant think straight.When somethig says youve got your head int he clouds it tends to means youre not thinking straight or your doing something stupid,you probably wouldt normallyy do.When linking this idea to the foloowing lrics it seemed to make sense.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Lyric timing

For my music video im using Ariana Grande ft Iggy Azeleas song lyrics,from their latest single Problem.Ive watched this video over and over various times in order to get a grasp of the lyrics.When creating my music videos i want it to look as pr5ofessional as possible and be fit or purpose.For this to work i wanted to look t the lyrics carefully and see when they appear.After doing this various times i decided to print out the lyrics onto paper and use Youtube to help me time the ltrics tot his song as you can see below:

As you can above i highlighted whos sections was whos when singign to make it clear for my peformers when they were singing.As you can down the4 left hand side of all the lyrics is timeings hightlighted orange.I went through the whole video timing when each lyric finished.I did this because when it comes to editing my muisc video itll be alot easier for me.It'll allow me to see when each lyric finished and when a new edit needs to be used.When im filimg my music video it allows give me a time scale of how quickly/slowing that lyric needs to be said,so when it comes to having the song being played over the fooage the lyrics will match up to the miming correctly so the end product looks really good.

It took alot of time to keep stopping and starting the music video in order to get the lyrics right,however when it comes to the production i know this peice of planning wil be very benefiticial.Something i found vry intresting when conducting this peice of work was the end part.I realsied the last lyrics end at 3:07 yet the songs still playing untill 3:11.This is an extra 4 seconds of crutial time that couldve been missed and if so my videow ouldve ended while the music ws still playing.So my doing this task of lyric timing its highlighted little thns such as the ending so i know that when the lyrics end i still need performance for another 4 seconds.Something  may of previously missed if i hadnt compleetd this planning.