Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Lyric Timings

In order for our music video to be successful we needed to work out lyric timings in order for the model to perform and mouth the words of Adele successfully The 60 second clip where doing only has 2 main shots,as Adele is featured walking alongside a river for the first main shot.Because of this the lyric timings are fairly simple however spaces in between breathing are also important.Here below are our lyric timings for Adeles music video.

The first shot we see is 42 seconds long due to the fact that it is just a pan of her walking beside some water.This long shot included her singing the most part of our 60 second clip.At 3:12 seonds she breathes very quickly then carrys on straight away.At 3:15 the word 'how' is elongated for 3 seconds.'Bitter sweet' is also elongated for 4 seconds,and then this is followd by 'this would taste' said all singly with tiny gaps.After this there is a 3 seconds pause where nothing is said.At 3:30 the word 'you' is elongated itself 2 seconds,the song carries on fluently straight after also.The owrd you in the next line is all lengthend once again,this time for 3 seconds but also merged into the word of 'to'.Then from 3:48 the word instead in elongated for 4 seconds and this brings us to the end of this shot.

The second shot is 18 seconds which is a fade of Adele's face over the background of a river side and fountain area.During this last shot their is no lip singing needed and the lyrics are voiced over Adele herself while she is pictured doing something else.So in this part we dont need to manage lyric timings,just make sure when this shot starts,this second shot does also.

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