Sunday, 30 November 2014

Todorovs Narrative Theory

Tzveten Todorov born in 1930 in Sofia came up with a really intresting media theory.He's a Franco Bulgarian philosopher,and has written many books and essay about theorys. In his work on narrative theoys from the 1960's onwards,he suggested eveyr story begins with an equilibrium or status quowhere any particular opposing forces are in balance.This si then distruped by some event,wheich then sets the path of another series of events to occur.Problems are later restored so order can be set in the world of fiction.

He suggested the conventioal narratives structures are in these 5 stages:

  • A state of Equilibrium (stablilty) at the start
  • A disruption of the equilibrium by some action
  • A recognition that there has been some disruption
  • An attempt to repair the disruption
  • A reinstatement of the equilibrium
This type of narrative structure is evry similiar to nowadays,and can be applied to many mianstream film/music video narrartives.

Although this theory is over 50 years old i still think its apprant for today.I feel his theory works well in explaining the series of events that always occur in order to make the film/music video exciting.By highilighting these sections hes reinstaement the importance of each stage,allowing the audeince to understand if something was missing or diddnt occur it probably wouldnt hold the same value as it would if it did.For me,his theory makes sense.Before knowing his yheory iw ouldnt of looked at each section of a film in this way,i didnt relaisde there was a though process in planning before its even shot.To help me understand more,i went onto Youtube and had a look at some msuic videos,and short films and every stage was apprent within them.So it concluded for me that Todorovs narrative theory does work,and it still aprrent so many years on.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Audience Theory

The BooBoo Doll Experiment

When looking t audience media throies online there was various diffferent approachs and ideas.I came across this theory called the BooBoo Doll Experiment,and was instantly really intrested in the reaeach and finding of the effect media can have on an audeince.

The BooBoo Doll experiment is a very controversial experiment which was said to prove that children copy violent behaviour.It was conducted in 1961 by a man called Albert Bandura.In the experiment a filmw as played where an adult violent attacked a clown toy called the BooBoo Doll.The children where then taken to a room with nice toys in it and was told they were not aloud to touch them.Furthermore,the children were led to another room full of the BooBoo Doll toys.Acoording to the findings,88% of the children imitated he violent behaviour they viewd earlier on.And a further 8 months later 40% of the children continued to show this violent streak.The concluson to this theory was that children will imitate violent emdia content.

However,there are some key examples of this theory standing ture:

  • The film 'Clockwork Orange' in 1971 triggerd a number of sex attacks and violence
  • The film 'Childs play 3' in the murder of James Bulger in 1993
  • The film 'Seevrance' in 2003 after the murder of Simon Everitt
In my opinion i really like the theory,i feel it hasd lots of flaws but the idea behind it is very strong.I feel violent content should not be seen by younger children,due to it being distressing and nasty.However,i feel depending on the child,they will recieve the content in different ways.I dont thik all children will act on what theyve saw as everyone is different,and more often than not you get quiter children than others.I feel some children may act on what they see,based n them not knowing the right or wrongs.However i dont feel evry peice of violent media contnetn will make every child who sees it iminate it.As a whole,i like the theory in the way its trying to understand how children perceive the emida,which isnt often discussed.However,there experiment was not broad or accurate enough in my opinion,so give a definate answer.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Narrative Analysis of Rihanna

Narrative Analysis of Rihanna-We found love

Within this music video I’m going to explore how Tom O’Sullivans media theory alongside Kate Domailles theory applies to my specific chosen music video. Or if my music video doesn’t follow either of these theory’s.

I’ve chosen to analyse We found love-Rihanna. I chose this music video specifically because I felt as popular artist her music video will be consumed by a mass audeince.Because of this I wanted to find out whether her music videos are simply spontaneous ideas or if there’s a narrative theory that can be applied to it.When watching the video through various times it became clear that it was based around a volatile relationship that starts off really well, but as things got in the way it deteriates.I feel as if it emulates that of a rebellious teenage relationship very similar to the younger generation nowadays. We see both Rihanna and her man, take drugs and other substances in order to rebel against soceity.Throughtout there relationship remains strong, but as the self-abuse starts to take its toll, their relationship becomes a fatal mess which ends in Rihanna walking away from him.

When looking at Tom O’Sullivans theory alongside this music video I felt it fit quite well. He argues that every media text tells a story of its own. I feel this does, it tells a story of a young rebellious relationship that’s goes completely wrong due to getting involved with the wrong stuff. This story is quite popular within music videos, it’s quite a general conventional story that is accepted and understood by a mass audience. I feel this is because it works well and not only that it’s very relatable to a mass audience. As most people have experienced what’s been shown. He also states that he believes media texts also offer a way of telling stories about ourselves. I feel this to be true also, in this case because Rihanna is such a dominant character, it’s as if we could picture ourselves almost like her. We can relate to the way she’s acting, and some even relate to the actions she’s making. Showing real life experiences, ourselves may have gone through to. Within this video, I feel as if it’s been made to emulate a real life deteriorating relationship. Because of this is creates verysimiluitude, meaning what’s been shown in the music video to be real or true. In the music video there’s a few glimpses of domestic violence shown, not many but the little glimpses are enough to understand what’s going on. As this subject in the real world is quite touchy, and it’s not spoke about a lot. I feel it re enforces the fact that this music video is showing real life experiences as brutal as they may be, and showing there is a way out if you want to. Concluding that Tom O’Sullivans theory is present within this video.

I decided to look further into narrative theory and decided to explore Kate Domailles narrative theory of that every story ever told can fit into one of 8 catogeries.When looking at the 8 Categories I felt this music video by Rihanna fell into 2 of the catogeries.Them being: Achillies-the fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless; Romeo and Juliet-the love story. I felt this because from the outset it appears to show a love story, which continues up until the near end. But as the music video nears the climax more we see glimpses of drugs and alcohol being apparent. Because of this self-abuse I feel this could be seen as the fatal flaw within the video that leads to the destruction of their relationship. Their actions of taking illegal substances I feel was the fatal flaw, that only got worse impacting on their relationship with eachother.Kate Domailles narrative theory works really well, the 8 categories are apparent in most music videos I’ve seen especially this one. I feel her theory illuminates the theme of the music video in a really concise way. And allows each story bene portrayed to fit into a specific sector.

Kate Domailles Narrative Theory

Kate Domaille created her theory in 2001 that every story ever told can be appointed into to one of eight catagories.Each of these narative types has a sourse,which is an orginal story upon which others are based.Here below are a lis tof the 8 catogaries:

1. Achilles-The fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless/invisiable person
2. Candide- The hero who cannot be put down
3. Cinderella-The dream becomes true
4. Circe- The chase,The innocant and the victim
5. Faust- Selling your soul to the devil may bring riches,but eventually your suol belongs to him
6. Orpheus- The loss of something personal,the gift that is taken away,the tradgey of loss,the journey that follows a loss
7. Romeo and Juliette- The love story
8. Tristan and Iseult- The love triangle

She belives that evry story will always link back into one of these catogaries despite if its a new idea.Personally i really likeehr theory.I feel although simple it bears very true.Upon finding this theory i started to have a look and even think myself of a story randomally in my head.I found every time,each story i thought of,or saw all linked into one of her catogeries,it almost seemed impossible to think of an idea that didn't.As i am doing a muisc video rather than a film her theory wont 100% apply to me,however elements of Romeo&Juliette and Cinderella are apprent within my video.Each music video tends to have anarrative their selfs,ad even them fit into one of KateD omailes catogaries.

The Hpodermic Needle Theory

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Health & Safety

Health & Safety is a really important element to consider when filming.Its always vitial you and your cast are safe at all times.Ive made a grid that highlights the possible occurences and how to overcome them below.I made this grid so when i go to my specific locations i can be aware of what may occur,which will enable me to be prepared if something does actually happen.I felt it was good to highlight the hazards prior to going to the location.I looked at all 4 possible locations and came up with 3/4 hazards that i think are the most impotrant to be aware of.I then thought of a way to overcome them and posted it in the corrosponding box to the side of it.I feel by doing this health and safety grid its made me feel less scared of the things that may go wrong.Its made me confident in been able to overcome anything that may occur while im filimng.

Visual Storyboard

Advertising for my music video

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Tom Odell-Another Love Textual Analysis


In conclusion, i feel Tom Odells music video is very unique but works well within his genre.The way he puts across his msuic is very passionate,and he doesnt rely on fancy camera work or sepcial effects to make his video more appealing.His sings his words with pain and emotion and thats what translates so well.He represnts him self very differently to those who do in the pop genre.Im glad i conducted my last textual analysis on him i feel it really opened my eyes up to just how different music videos are in different genres.It made me relaise that the way you present yourself and portray youself in a muic video in centimental in your sucsess.And i think this will be very useful to have in mind when it comes to making my own music video.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Meghan Trainor-All about that bass Textual Analysis

Here is my textual analsysi on Meghan Trainor-All about that bass.I continued my 2nd seconds analysis looking in a much depth as before in roder to gain as much knwoledge as possibel from my analysis.I spooted Laura Mulveys theory been proved wrong within this videos so it thought it was interesting to include.Here is the orginal video below:



Monday, 3 November 2014

Katy Perry - Last Firday Night Textual Analysis

Here is my textual analysis on Katys Perrys music video Last Friday Night.I looked at the mise en scene;cinematogrsphy;sound and editing used.I also decided to look at the ways she represents herself as an artist,what her instituion and ideology is whats audeience she targets.Hrere si the orginal music video below: