Friday, 28 November 2014

Kate Domailles Narrative Theory

Kate Domaille created her theory in 2001 that every story ever told can be appointed into to one of eight catagories.Each of these narative types has a sourse,which is an orginal story upon which others are based.Here below are a lis tof the 8 catogaries:

1. Achilles-The fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless/invisiable person
2. Candide- The hero who cannot be put down
3. Cinderella-The dream becomes true
4. Circe- The chase,The innocant and the victim
5. Faust- Selling your soul to the devil may bring riches,but eventually your suol belongs to him
6. Orpheus- The loss of something personal,the gift that is taken away,the tradgey of loss,the journey that follows a loss
7. Romeo and Juliette- The love story
8. Tristan and Iseult- The love triangle

She belives that evry story will always link back into one of these catogaries despite if its a new idea.Personally i really likeehr theory.I feel although simple it bears very true.Upon finding this theory i started to have a look and even think myself of a story randomally in my head.I found every time,each story i thought of,or saw all linked into one of her catogeries,it almost seemed impossible to think of an idea that didn't.As i am doing a muisc video rather than a film her theory wont 100% apply to me,however elements of Romeo&Juliette and Cinderella are apprent within my video.Each music video tends to have anarrative their selfs,ad even them fit into one of KateD omailes catogaries.

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