Monday, 15 December 2014

First Draft of My music video

Here is my first draft of my music video.I managed to get around 50 seconds of my full music video
done.Both my models Jess and Will feature within the first 50 seconds.I triud to include different shot types to create diversity and so my music video isnt just filmed in the same shot as this would be boring.I mixed up my footage also by having my models mime to certain lyrics and dance to the rest as i felt if they were to mime completely all the way through it could be quite boring and look the same.I've included some video effects also,i used a dip into black when the video begins so it isnt such a harsh opening.Also i used a blur effect on the first apperance of my model, Will.I did this intentional in order to make him look mysterious and so he isn't revealed straight away.

I feel my first draft went really well.I had never used to the editing suite before but managed to come into classes indepantley to get a head start, so when it came to my mock exam i wasn't left with a minimum of 2 hours to figure it all out.For the future filming im going to do, im going to change up locations hugely,accomodating lots of different backgrounds and settings to make it look more visual-as i feel thats what im lacking slightly in this draft.I have lots of different ideas and im very excited to continuing developing my music videos over the comin months.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Update 12th December 2014

Ive just completed my animatic storyboard.It was very overwhelming and i encountered a few problems when it came to exporting it onto Youtube but this was quickly resolved and my animatic was ready.Im now ready to start the filming procsess which should be underweigh very soon.Im going to plan out in my diary what i want to achieve on those days so when im on the shoot i can breifly look at my plan, giving me a few quidleines as what to get filmed so i dont forget anything.

BTS Film Day 1

Film Diary DAY 1

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Storyboard Animatic

This is my animatic.I took a very long time to compose and make as each shot had to be done sepratley to eahcother.I drew images of evrything i want to happen within my shots.I tried to go into detial as msuch as possible so i can reference this when it comes to the actual making of my music video.When adding the song to it i had to change a few elements in order for it to match the beat of the song,so it edits on time.Im really happy with my final outcome overall.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

1st day Filming Weather forecast

On Friday & Saturday the 5&6th of December im going to begin filiming mymusic ive compleetd the majoity of my rearch and planning i feel in a posoition as to were im ready to film.Ibe vooked a camera and tripod out form the office for the weekend in order to give me enough time to get my models together and to my desinated location.

Prior to going,today (Thursday) im going to lok at weather forcast for the both days to prepare as best as possible.I felel by doing this it will give me a agge on the weather as it wouldnt be suitbale to film in really rainy and windy conditons.It doesnt have to be sunny for my filming,but rain will really hinder what im trying to do.Im also taking into account that its winter here,so weather can be really un predictable,but i felt this was the best possible way to prepare for it.Here below are 2 weather forecast for the both days,i intend to film on.

Friday 5th Decemeber:

This is the weather forcast for the Friday.As you can see the weather looks really good.From 10 o clock its starts to really brighten up and stays sunny right untill it starts to get dark about half 4 5.This is really good weather forcast and will be grat to film in.Im hopeing it stays this way because it it does i will go and film in my outside location,as this is prioorty and depends alot on the weather to ge tit right.Althogh its only 5 degress its very cold so im going to make sure everyone wrapped up appropratley,but still wearing their costumes to film in.Friday looks like ti could be a really sucsessful dya to film on.
Saturday 6th December:

This is the forecast for the staurday.Like the Friday there is no rain planned at all,which is great news.however its considerably cloudier this day.This shouldnt be a probelm,howveer the sun is always a bonus when filming.From around 11 o clock it looks asif its gong to be quite cloudy and dull,so this is something to bear in mind.although,it it 1 degress higher than it will be on friday.Which is good,beacsue no one like the cold!Although,a duller day i still think this could be a good day to film on,due to their been no rain at all.
Sunday 7th December:

This is the weather forecast for the sunday.Unlike the other 2 days sunday is looking very dull and rainy.Its showing frewuent showers from 9 in the morning all the wya to around 4 on the night,which isnt very good.The weather looks asif its going to be really un predicatble on this day,whihc isnt great to prepare for.On this day i dont think im going to film outside,i feel its not the best day,and if its start raingi it could cause alot of problems.I feel on the day ebecause of the weather it will be better to film my inside shots,such as in the bedroom.As the weather wont effect this.