Monday, 15 December 2014

First Draft of My music video

Here is my first draft of my music video.I managed to get around 50 seconds of my full music video
done.Both my models Jess and Will feature within the first 50 seconds.I triud to include different shot types to create diversity and so my music video isnt just filmed in the same shot as this would be boring.I mixed up my footage also by having my models mime to certain lyrics and dance to the rest as i felt if they were to mime completely all the way through it could be quite boring and look the same.I've included some video effects also,i used a dip into black when the video begins so it isnt such a harsh opening.Also i used a blur effect on the first apperance of my model, Will.I did this intentional in order to make him look mysterious and so he isn't revealed straight away.

I feel my first draft went really well.I had never used to the editing suite before but managed to come into classes indepantley to get a head start, so when it came to my mock exam i wasn't left with a minimum of 2 hours to figure it all out.For the future filming im going to do, im going to change up locations hugely,accomodating lots of different backgrounds and settings to make it look more visual-as i feel thats what im lacking slightly in this draft.I have lots of different ideas and im very excited to continuing developing my music videos over the comin months.

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