Friday, 19 September 2014

History of music videos

Along with my previous music video analysis of current muisc videos ive also een ooking at how theyve progressed form history,and just how different music videos were back in the day.I was really intrigued and shocked when i realised that withn only around 10 years we hav advanced greatly.Time and technology has definatley played a key in the progression of music videos,alllowing them to be what they are today.

Looking back muisc videos never exsisted you could only hear the music via a radio.Portable radios became affordable allowing alot of pople to gain acsess to hearing music that previously they never had a chance of.Around this time televisons were extremely expensive and rare,but those who could afford wuld rent televisonsin order to be ables to see visuals with muiscand this is when the da\wn of muisc videos began.Orginally they was filmed on film as video as to expensive.As th idea of muisc videos became very popular and more and more srtists were making them of some sort a televison programme called MTV lauched in the late 1980's whch took televison owners by shock.It was the first channel different form chanle 1-5 that alowed them to see/listen to teir fvaourite songs while watching a corrosponding video with it.MTV soon became popular as it alllowed artist to promote their songs on anothe rplatfrom than just radio,allowing them to reach a wider audeince.It also gave the artists exposure,as now the artist could be pictured wityh their song.By mTV creating this channel it ament for the first tinme ever a song ad visuals with it,allowing the song and artist to be understood more.It not only gained the artsts exposure and more audience it allowed them to create an iconic public image of themselves in order for them to be liked by the publc.

One of the first bands to do this was The Beatles.They deicded to make a film for televison as they knew more people would see it,meaning they could broadcast their music further than the radio with corrospoding visuals.They were extremely suscsessul in doing so,and their music instantly started becoming more sussesful and popular.The launch of music videos and MTV was a phenomenon for the music industry.Here below are some music videos form the past i looked at and analysed:

The Beatles-Hello Goodbye

When watching this music video i was so shocked at how basic and badly it was made,it made me relaise straight awy the progression of music videos.In 18 seconds there was just 1 camerea shot.Nowadays you wouldnt find any music video that held a shot for this long.This is becasue in this video the shot was so long it became boring,there was no change and i was left wondering when the next thing was goibg to happen.The frmaing of this video was noticeably shocking,a third of the screen was empty anf the beatles were just sot in a tiny corner,rather than being spread out.This completley goes again the tule of thirds we use nowafdays in mjusic videos ad demonstartes why this rule allows a video to be gframed and shot well so it looks good.Their bright 60's loking costume doesnt fit the genre also,its very far fetched considering the video if fairly slow and not all that happy.Their use of mise-en-scene throughout the whole video is extremley poor.There is also a lot of clumsy editing,for exaqply instead of editing 2 shots together,1 of the beatles just moves out the way then the camera adjusts itself.It looks very un professional,and good of been done alot cleaner to create a better effect.Going back to the point of framing and shots,Paul Mcartneys head is cut off various  times in the video,instead of adjusting trhe camera it as just been left.

After analysing this video it really helped me undertsand just how basic music videos were,because The Beatles were so big in the music industry i expected something really good,as im looking at it from a modern day perspective.It allowed me to undertsand the technology advances and just how much things have hanged.

Queen-Bohemian Rapsedy

The next video i watched was Queen-Bohemian Raphesdy,this was filmed 8 years later than The Beatles-Hellow Goodye.This was the first music video to be actually filmed on video,up unitll this point prvious ones had been filmed on film.This means alot of money,tine ad effort was spent on this music video in order to get it to a standard then that had ever been seen before.The video establishes rock icongoraphy due to the mise-en-sce and cinematography.I noticed this music video has really good performance element,it looks an d sound show youd xpect to it,making it a vaiable video.It also had a mixtur eof shot types and agles,giving the music video variety making it iteresting to watch.Very different6 to the pervious Beatles video were everything was done quite uniformly.Thefre was use of fade edits,which demonstartes they knew what by fcreatng a fade dit the video would flow alot better and more professionally.There us eof lighting stood out to me,this is becasue it was used  effectivily.It was used to make them look dominant and strong which are stereotypes of the rock genre.Because this is very fast paced it keeps you intrigued and interested in whats going on,it doesnt give you a second to be bored as something new is constantly happening-and this works really well.

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