Monday, 15 December 2014

First Draft of My music video

Here is my first draft of my music video.I managed to get around 50 seconds of my full music video
done.Both my models Jess and Will feature within the first 50 seconds.I triud to include different shot types to create diversity and so my music video isnt just filmed in the same shot as this would be boring.I mixed up my footage also by having my models mime to certain lyrics and dance to the rest as i felt if they were to mime completely all the way through it could be quite boring and look the same.I've included some video effects also,i used a dip into black when the video begins so it isnt such a harsh opening.Also i used a blur effect on the first apperance of my model, Will.I did this intentional in order to make him look mysterious and so he isn't revealed straight away.

I feel my first draft went really well.I had never used to the editing suite before but managed to come into classes indepantley to get a head start, so when it came to my mock exam i wasn't left with a minimum of 2 hours to figure it all out.For the future filming im going to do, im going to change up locations hugely,accomodating lots of different backgrounds and settings to make it look more visual-as i feel thats what im lacking slightly in this draft.I have lots of different ideas and im very excited to continuing developing my music videos over the comin months.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Update 12th December 2014

Ive just completed my animatic storyboard.It was very overwhelming and i encountered a few problems when it came to exporting it onto Youtube but this was quickly resolved and my animatic was ready.Im now ready to start the filming procsess which should be underweigh very soon.Im going to plan out in my diary what i want to achieve on those days so when im on the shoot i can breifly look at my plan, giving me a few quidleines as what to get filmed so i dont forget anything.

BTS Film Day 1

Film Diary DAY 1

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Storyboard Animatic

This is my animatic.I took a very long time to compose and make as each shot had to be done sepratley to eahcother.I drew images of evrything i want to happen within my shots.I tried to go into detial as msuch as possible so i can reference this when it comes to the actual making of my music video.When adding the song to it i had to change a few elements in order for it to match the beat of the song,so it edits on time.Im really happy with my final outcome overall.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

1st day Filming Weather forecast

On Friday & Saturday the 5&6th of December im going to begin filiming mymusic ive compleetd the majoity of my rearch and planning i feel in a posoition as to were im ready to film.Ibe vooked a camera and tripod out form the office for the weekend in order to give me enough time to get my models together and to my desinated location.

Prior to going,today (Thursday) im going to lok at weather forcast for the both days to prepare as best as possible.I felel by doing this it will give me a agge on the weather as it wouldnt be suitbale to film in really rainy and windy conditons.It doesnt have to be sunny for my filming,but rain will really hinder what im trying to do.Im also taking into account that its winter here,so weather can be really un predictable,but i felt this was the best possible way to prepare for it.Here below are 2 weather forecast for the both days,i intend to film on.

Friday 5th Decemeber:

This is the weather forcast for the Friday.As you can see the weather looks really good.From 10 o clock its starts to really brighten up and stays sunny right untill it starts to get dark about half 4 5.This is really good weather forcast and will be grat to film in.Im hopeing it stays this way because it it does i will go and film in my outside location,as this is prioorty and depends alot on the weather to ge tit right.Althogh its only 5 degress its very cold so im going to make sure everyone wrapped up appropratley,but still wearing their costumes to film in.Friday looks like ti could be a really sucsessful dya to film on.
Saturday 6th December:

This is the forecast for the staurday.Like the Friday there is no rain planned at all,which is great news.however its considerably cloudier this day.This shouldnt be a probelm,howveer the sun is always a bonus when filming.From around 11 o clock it looks asif its gong to be quite cloudy and dull,so this is something to bear in mind.although,it it 1 degress higher than it will be on friday.Which is good,beacsue no one like the cold!Although,a duller day i still think this could be a good day to film on,due to their been no rain at all.
Sunday 7th December:

This is the weather forecast for the sunday.Unlike the other 2 days sunday is looking very dull and rainy.Its showing frewuent showers from 9 in the morning all the wya to around 4 on the night,which isnt very good.The weather looks asif its going to be really un predicatble on this day,whihc isnt great to prepare for.On this day i dont think im going to film outside,i feel its not the best day,and if its start raingi it could cause alot of problems.I feel on the day ebecause of the weather it will be better to film my inside shots,such as in the bedroom.As the weather wont effect this.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Todorovs Narrative Theory

Tzveten Todorov born in 1930 in Sofia came up with a really intresting media theory.He's a Franco Bulgarian philosopher,and has written many books and essay about theorys. In his work on narrative theoys from the 1960's onwards,he suggested eveyr story begins with an equilibrium or status quowhere any particular opposing forces are in balance.This si then distruped by some event,wheich then sets the path of another series of events to occur.Problems are later restored so order can be set in the world of fiction.

He suggested the conventioal narratives structures are in these 5 stages:

  • A state of Equilibrium (stablilty) at the start
  • A disruption of the equilibrium by some action
  • A recognition that there has been some disruption
  • An attempt to repair the disruption
  • A reinstatement of the equilibrium
This type of narrative structure is evry similiar to nowadays,and can be applied to many mianstream film/music video narrartives.

Although this theory is over 50 years old i still think its apprant for today.I feel his theory works well in explaining the series of events that always occur in order to make the film/music video exciting.By highilighting these sections hes reinstaement the importance of each stage,allowing the audeince to understand if something was missing or diddnt occur it probably wouldnt hold the same value as it would if it did.For me,his theory makes sense.Before knowing his yheory iw ouldnt of looked at each section of a film in this way,i didnt relaisde there was a though process in planning before its even shot.To help me understand more,i went onto Youtube and had a look at some msuic videos,and short films and every stage was apprent within them.So it concluded for me that Todorovs narrative theory does work,and it still aprrent so many years on.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Audience Theory

The BooBoo Doll Experiment

When looking t audience media throies online there was various diffferent approachs and ideas.I came across this theory called the BooBoo Doll Experiment,and was instantly really intrested in the reaeach and finding of the effect media can have on an audeince.

The BooBoo Doll experiment is a very controversial experiment which was said to prove that children copy violent behaviour.It was conducted in 1961 by a man called Albert Bandura.In the experiment a filmw as played where an adult violent attacked a clown toy called the BooBoo Doll.The children where then taken to a room with nice toys in it and was told they were not aloud to touch them.Furthermore,the children were led to another room full of the BooBoo Doll toys.Acoording to the findings,88% of the children imitated he violent behaviour they viewd earlier on.And a further 8 months later 40% of the children continued to show this violent streak.The concluson to this theory was that children will imitate violent emdia content.

However,there are some key examples of this theory standing ture:

  • The film 'Clockwork Orange' in 1971 triggerd a number of sex attacks and violence
  • The film 'Childs play 3' in the murder of James Bulger in 1993
  • The film 'Seevrance' in 2003 after the murder of Simon Everitt
In my opinion i really like the theory,i feel it hasd lots of flaws but the idea behind it is very strong.I feel violent content should not be seen by younger children,due to it being distressing and nasty.However,i feel depending on the child,they will recieve the content in different ways.I dont thik all children will act on what theyve saw as everyone is different,and more often than not you get quiter children than others.I feel some children may act on what they see,based n them not knowing the right or wrongs.However i dont feel evry peice of violent media contnetn will make every child who sees it iminate it.As a whole,i like the theory in the way its trying to understand how children perceive the emida,which isnt often discussed.However,there experiment was not broad or accurate enough in my opinion,so give a definate answer.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Narrative Analysis of Rihanna

Narrative Analysis of Rihanna-We found love

Within this music video I’m going to explore how Tom O’Sullivans media theory alongside Kate Domailles theory applies to my specific chosen music video. Or if my music video doesn’t follow either of these theory’s.

I’ve chosen to analyse We found love-Rihanna. I chose this music video specifically because I felt as popular artist her music video will be consumed by a mass audeince.Because of this I wanted to find out whether her music videos are simply spontaneous ideas or if there’s a narrative theory that can be applied to it.When watching the video through various times it became clear that it was based around a volatile relationship that starts off really well, but as things got in the way it deteriates.I feel as if it emulates that of a rebellious teenage relationship very similar to the younger generation nowadays. We see both Rihanna and her man, take drugs and other substances in order to rebel against soceity.Throughtout there relationship remains strong, but as the self-abuse starts to take its toll, their relationship becomes a fatal mess which ends in Rihanna walking away from him.

When looking at Tom O’Sullivans theory alongside this music video I felt it fit quite well. He argues that every media text tells a story of its own. I feel this does, it tells a story of a young rebellious relationship that’s goes completely wrong due to getting involved with the wrong stuff. This story is quite popular within music videos, it’s quite a general conventional story that is accepted and understood by a mass audience. I feel this is because it works well and not only that it’s very relatable to a mass audience. As most people have experienced what’s been shown. He also states that he believes media texts also offer a way of telling stories about ourselves. I feel this to be true also, in this case because Rihanna is such a dominant character, it’s as if we could picture ourselves almost like her. We can relate to the way she’s acting, and some even relate to the actions she’s making. Showing real life experiences, ourselves may have gone through to. Within this video, I feel as if it’s been made to emulate a real life deteriorating relationship. Because of this is creates verysimiluitude, meaning what’s been shown in the music video to be real or true. In the music video there’s a few glimpses of domestic violence shown, not many but the little glimpses are enough to understand what’s going on. As this subject in the real world is quite touchy, and it’s not spoke about a lot. I feel it re enforces the fact that this music video is showing real life experiences as brutal as they may be, and showing there is a way out if you want to. Concluding that Tom O’Sullivans theory is present within this video.

I decided to look further into narrative theory and decided to explore Kate Domailles narrative theory of that every story ever told can fit into one of 8 catogeries.When looking at the 8 Categories I felt this music video by Rihanna fell into 2 of the catogeries.Them being: Achillies-the fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless; Romeo and Juliet-the love story. I felt this because from the outset it appears to show a love story, which continues up until the near end. But as the music video nears the climax more we see glimpses of drugs and alcohol being apparent. Because of this self-abuse I feel this could be seen as the fatal flaw within the video that leads to the destruction of their relationship. Their actions of taking illegal substances I feel was the fatal flaw, that only got worse impacting on their relationship with eachother.Kate Domailles narrative theory works really well, the 8 categories are apparent in most music videos I’ve seen especially this one. I feel her theory illuminates the theme of the music video in a really concise way. And allows each story bene portrayed to fit into a specific sector.

Kate Domailles Narrative Theory

Kate Domaille created her theory in 2001 that every story ever told can be appointed into to one of eight catagories.Each of these narative types has a sourse,which is an orginal story upon which others are based.Here below are a lis tof the 8 catogaries:

1. Achilles-The fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless/invisiable person
2. Candide- The hero who cannot be put down
3. Cinderella-The dream becomes true
4. Circe- The chase,The innocant and the victim
5. Faust- Selling your soul to the devil may bring riches,but eventually your suol belongs to him
6. Orpheus- The loss of something personal,the gift that is taken away,the tradgey of loss,the journey that follows a loss
7. Romeo and Juliette- The love story
8. Tristan and Iseult- The love triangle

She belives that evry story will always link back into one of these catogaries despite if its a new idea.Personally i really likeehr theory.I feel although simple it bears very true.Upon finding this theory i started to have a look and even think myself of a story randomally in my head.I found every time,each story i thought of,or saw all linked into one of her catogeries,it almost seemed impossible to think of an idea that didn't.As i am doing a muisc video rather than a film her theory wont 100% apply to me,however elements of Romeo&Juliette and Cinderella are apprent within my video.Each music video tends to have anarrative their selfs,ad even them fit into one of KateD omailes catogaries.

The Hpodermic Needle Theory

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Health & Safety

Health & Safety is a really important element to consider when filming.Its always vitial you and your cast are safe at all times.Ive made a grid that highlights the possible occurences and how to overcome them below.I made this grid so when i go to my specific locations i can be aware of what may occur,which will enable me to be prepared if something does actually happen.I felt it was good to highlight the hazards prior to going to the location.I looked at all 4 possible locations and came up with 3/4 hazards that i think are the most impotrant to be aware of.I then thought of a way to overcome them and posted it in the corrosponding box to the side of it.I feel by doing this health and safety grid its made me feel less scared of the things that may go wrong.Its made me confident in been able to overcome anything that may occur while im filimng.

Visual Storyboard

Advertising for my music video

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Tom Odell-Another Love Textual Analysis


In conclusion, i feel Tom Odells music video is very unique but works well within his genre.The way he puts across his msuic is very passionate,and he doesnt rely on fancy camera work or sepcial effects to make his video more appealing.His sings his words with pain and emotion and thats what translates so well.He represnts him self very differently to those who do in the pop genre.Im glad i conducted my last textual analysis on him i feel it really opened my eyes up to just how different music videos are in different genres.It made me relaise that the way you present yourself and portray youself in a muic video in centimental in your sucsess.And i think this will be very useful to have in mind when it comes to making my own music video.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Meghan Trainor-All about that bass Textual Analysis

Here is my textual analsysi on Meghan Trainor-All about that bass.I continued my 2nd seconds analysis looking in a much depth as before in roder to gain as much knwoledge as possibel from my analysis.I spooted Laura Mulveys theory been proved wrong within this videos so it thought it was interesting to include.Here is the orginal video below:



Monday, 3 November 2014

Katy Perry - Last Firday Night Textual Analysis

Here is my textual analysis on Katys Perrys music video Last Friday Night.I looked at the mise en scene;cinematogrsphy;sound and editing used.I also decided to look at the ways she represents herself as an artist,what her instituion and ideology is whats audeience she targets.Hrere si the orginal music video below:




Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Questionaire Feedback

After giving out my questionaire a week ago ive finally collected all the results in.I was very suprised and intrigued by the answers and it made the questionaire feel really worth while.Once i got all the questionaires back i scanned them into the computer,here they're below:











The thing that interested me the most was the wide range of different answers,i didnt expected so many conflicting ideas but it made me very aware of people opinions.When giving out the questionaire i gave it to manily teenage girls,however i inluded some eldery people as i thought it would be interesting to see there opinions to my questions.And as expected theyre very different to those of the teenage audience.Which has helped me alo understanding how different ages of audiences consume music differently.
The final results of my questionaire are:
Q1: what would you say is the most important element to consider when planning my music video?
Q2: thinking off the top of your head,what does a music video include?
Q3: look at the screen shots below,what're your attitudes to these pop albums out right now?And what message do you feel they portray?
6 people had postive attitudes,3 people negative.
Q4: When making my music video i need to choose an exsisting song that i can put a video to.Please state below which lyrics would be the best for me to work with?
6/10 people said Ariana Grande ft Iggy Azealea-Problem


Monday, 20 October 2014


When making my music video i need to use lyrics froma an existing video.What lyrics do you think will be best to use?
Ariana Grande ft Iggy Azealea-Problem
Beyonce-Drunk in love
Katy Perry-Roar
Taylor Swift-Shake it off
Poll Maker

Friday, 17 October 2014


As apart of my audience research and planning i wanted to create a questionaire that gets the opinions from the audience that will help me when making decison about my product.My first part of the audience research is this questionaiire below.Ive asked only 4 questions but they're very broad and will need to be explained.I thought it would be more benefitial to get some answers in depth instead of just ticking boxes.Because of that,i made some of the questions different.Some you have to tick a box,and other you actually have to write answer down.

Ive printed out 10 copies of this example out.Ive distributed them bewteen all differnet age groups in rder to obtain a mixed result of feedback.Once the questionaires have been handed back im going to collate the results.Not only doi think it will be interstig to see peoples opinions,i believe it will help me infulence me in thr ight weay when making my product.I set it out in a full colourful way as more people may be intriguede to write there feedback down.I also added a few photogrpahs in order to make the questionaire more visual and appealing to answer.

Here is my compleetd questionaiire i created below:

Conventions of pop music videos

Friday, 10 October 2014

Lyric Analysis

This is my lyric analysis for my chosen song.I decided to annotate it on paper as i felt it would allow me to write more rather than if i just did it on a word document.Like before on my lyrics timings i highlighted each performers lines to make it more clearer when it comes tot he actual perfromane-keeping the same colours for eah person so it stands out to them more.When analysing thee lyrics i found quite alot of the lyrics repeated themselves,which ment i only analsysed them once for obvious reasons.I found Iggys rapping section in the middle of the song the easiet to analyse,i think this was because the lines were quite snappy and often rhymed with eachother.They had a lot of information that linked back to the lyrics of Ariana whicvh allowed me to compare them quite effectively.

The running theme throughout the song is having a problem with a boy,which makee sense at the title of the song is Problem.This theme runs all the wya through the song and works well in creating a narrative.I noticed by the lyrics you can also can a sense of the attiude int he way the perfromers are sayig the lyrics by the use of the puncutation,this allowed me to think about how i want me performers to come across and it what section of lyrics theyll need to exsuede attitude.

When continuing to deconstruct the lyrics i relaised that every line is fiarly short,i then realsied this is probabl because of the pace of the song.The short snapy line allow the music to flow quickly and effectively,which really does work when you watch the orginal music video.As youll be able ot ell also when analysing the lyrics locations of places to sot my video popped into my head and i noted them down on the sheets.I think this was because as iw as going through i was getting ideas of places thad work well o shoto certain parts.Its enabled me to gather a few location ideas wch i didn think its have in mind so early,just by looking t the lyrics-but i am glad aboutt his,is shows the lyrics can relate to a specifc area.

I also notified some of the lyrics have some what connoatations to them.Ariana says the lyrics 'head in the clouds' repeatley i analysd this and thought it could mean thts hes blinded my love and she cant think straight.When somethig says youve got your head int he clouds it tends to means youre not thinking straight or your doing something stupid,you probably wouldt normallyy do.When linking this idea to the foloowing lrics it seemed to make sense.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Lyric timing

For my music video im using Ariana Grande ft Iggy Azeleas song lyrics,from their latest single Problem.Ive watched this video over and over various times in order to get a grasp of the lyrics.When creating my music videos i want it to look as pr5ofessional as possible and be fit or purpose.For this to work i wanted to look t the lyrics carefully and see when they appear.After doing this various times i decided to print out the lyrics onto paper and use Youtube to help me time the ltrics tot his song as you can see below:

As you can above i highlighted whos sections was whos when singign to make it clear for my peformers when they were singing.As you can down the4 left hand side of all the lyrics is timeings hightlighted orange.I went through the whole video timing when each lyric finished.I did this because when it comes to editing my muisc video itll be alot easier for me.It'll allow me to see when each lyric finished and when a new edit needs to be used.When im filimg my music video it allows give me a time scale of how quickly/slowing that lyric needs to be said,so when it comes to having the song being played over the fooage the lyrics will match up to the miming correctly so the end product looks really good.

It took alot of time to keep stopping and starting the music video in order to get the lyrics right,however when it comes to the production i know this peice of planning wil be very benefiticial.Something i found vry intresting when conducting this peice of work was the end part.I realsied the last lyrics end at 3:07 yet the songs still playing untill 3:11.This is an extra 4 seconds of crutial time that couldve been missed and if so my videow ouldve ended while the music ws still playing.So my doing this task of lyric timing its highlighted little thns such as the ending so i know that when the lyrics end i still need performance for another 4 seconds.Something  may of previously missed if i hadnt compleetd this planning.

Friday, 19 September 2014

History of music videos

Along with my previous music video analysis of current muisc videos ive also een ooking at how theyve progressed form history,and just how different music videos were back in the day.I was really intrigued and shocked when i realised that withn only around 10 years we hav advanced greatly.Time and technology has definatley played a key in the progression of music videos,alllowing them to be what they are today.

Looking back muisc videos never exsisted you could only hear the music via a radio.Portable radios became affordable allowing alot of pople to gain acsess to hearing music that previously they never had a chance of.Around this time televisons were extremely expensive and rare,but those who could afford wuld rent televisonsin order to be ables to see visuals with muiscand this is when the da\wn of muisc videos began.Orginally they was filmed on film as video as to expensive.As th idea of muisc videos became very popular and more and more srtists were making them of some sort a televison programme called MTV lauched in the late 1980's whch took televison owners by shock.It was the first channel different form chanle 1-5 that alowed them to see/listen to teir fvaourite songs while watching a corrosponding video with it.MTV soon became popular as it alllowed artist to promote their songs on anothe rplatfrom than just radio,allowing them to reach a wider audeince.It also gave the artists exposure,as now the artist could be pictured wityh their song.By mTV creating this channel it ament for the first tinme ever a song ad visuals with it,allowing the song and artist to be understood more.It not only gained the artsts exposure and more audience it allowed them to create an iconic public image of themselves in order for them to be liked by the publc.

One of the first bands to do this was The Beatles.They deicded to make a film for televison as they knew more people would see it,meaning they could broadcast their music further than the radio with corrospoding visuals.They were extremely suscsessul in doing so,and their music instantly started becoming more sussesful and popular.The launch of music videos and MTV was a phenomenon for the music industry.Here below are some music videos form the past i looked at and analysed:

The Beatles-Hello Goodbye

When watching this music video i was so shocked at how basic and badly it was made,it made me relaise straight awy the progression of music videos.In 18 seconds there was just 1 camerea shot.Nowadays you wouldnt find any music video that held a shot for this long.This is becasue in this video the shot was so long it became boring,there was no change and i was left wondering when the next thing was goibg to happen.The frmaing of this video was noticeably shocking,a third of the screen was empty anf the beatles were just sot in a tiny corner,rather than being spread out.This completley goes again the tule of thirds we use nowafdays in mjusic videos ad demonstartes why this rule allows a video to be gframed and shot well so it looks good.Their bright 60's loking costume doesnt fit the genre also,its very far fetched considering the video if fairly slow and not all that happy.Their use of mise-en-scene throughout the whole video is extremley poor.There is also a lot of clumsy editing,for exaqply instead of editing 2 shots together,1 of the beatles just moves out the way then the camera adjusts itself.It looks very un professional,and good of been done alot cleaner to create a better effect.Going back to the point of framing and shots,Paul Mcartneys head is cut off various  times in the video,instead of adjusting trhe camera it as just been left.

After analysing this video it really helped me undertsand just how basic music videos were,because The Beatles were so big in the music industry i expected something really good,as im looking at it from a modern day perspective.It allowed me to undertsand the technology advances and just how much things have hanged.

Queen-Bohemian Rapsedy

The next video i watched was Queen-Bohemian Raphesdy,this was filmed 8 years later than The Beatles-Hellow Goodye.This was the first music video to be actually filmed on video,up unitll this point prvious ones had been filmed on film.This means alot of money,tine ad effort was spent on this music video in order to get it to a standard then that had ever been seen before.The video establishes rock icongoraphy due to the mise-en-sce and cinematography.I noticed this music video has really good performance element,it looks an d sound show youd xpect to it,making it a vaiable video.It also had a mixtur eof shot types and agles,giving the music video variety making it iteresting to watch.Very different6 to the pervious Beatles video were everything was done quite uniformly.Thefre was use of fade edits,which demonstartes they knew what by fcreatng a fade dit the video would flow alot better and more professionally.There us eof lighting stood out to me,this is becasue it was used  effectivily.It was used to make them look dominant and strong which are stereotypes of the rock genre.Because this is very fast paced it keeps you intrigued and interested in whats going on,it doesnt give you a second to be bored as something new is constantly happening-and this works really well.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Analysing bad existing student work

Withing my next lesson we looked at exsisiting student work,that had been created for the same course previously.Every video we looked at was examples of what NOT to do.This allowe me to see the difficulty that is invloved and what to stay away from when i create my own music video.It allowed em to notice and be aware of things that dont get good marks just by anlysing previous work.

The first student music video i looked at was graded by the exam bored a Grade E.

The first thing i noticed which was bad in this video was how bad the camera was used.All the footage was un steady and wobbly making the footage look really bad an unprofessional.The majority of the shots were very dark,making the peformers barely visible in quite a few of the shots.Another really bad thing was that the video had to relation to the song.The song was quite a heavy metal loud song and the corrosponding video did not follow this genre at all.Making it really hard to understanf the narrative at all.It also looked asi the video was aimlessly put together,by this i mean itlooked asif the student had no intrest in creating something good.It lacked all planning possible and looked like a very last minute thing.Every shot was very basic,and was edited together really bad.

I could see how this only just received an E grade,because so many thing were noticebaly bad aout it.It highlighted to me that everything im going to do should not resemble this.

The next student video i looked at was also a Grade D but low in marks.

This video seemed noticeably slighty better but was done poorly.They decided to use a green screen for a majority of their shots which really didnt work well.the backgrounds they edited in was really bad quality,are were taken outsie the college.This means they could of just filmed olutside the college which wouldve of allowd it to e better quality.All the performances was poor.They all looked forced and lacked emotion.

The last student video i watched was a high Grade D.

This final video was noticeably better than the last 2,yet still quite basic.When i watched this video i undersstood where it was going but unfortunatley it didnt turn out as well as it could.The main ba dareas was that the costume didnt fir the genre,so the use of mise-en-scene didnt compliment the4re music.Which made it quit ehard to understand,and very un realistic.The elnght of the shots was also an issue,some lasting up to 10 seconds with nothing changing which became very boring to watch as the video progresssed.They had over edited as well,as in they thought by adding special effects it would gainthem extra marks,but instead it ooked very clumsy and didnt work well.Althugh this video did have a narrative it wasnt show well.But overall i thlough this video had a bit more direction than the last to,but still could of been extremely better.

Furher music video analysis

During my next lesson we looked at a few snapshots of other music videos,this had helped me undertstand the way of variety of music videos are constructed and made.I looked a 3 compleyley different music genres and noted dowen some key point of the musi videos and whats good about them.

The first music video was:Red hot chilli peppers-cant stop:

The key good points from this video i note down were:

  • They had great performance,everyone was perfoming to the best of their ability which allowd a sense of comedy value to be obtained.
  • A variety of different shots were used to allow it to look interesting
  • There wasnt a narrative,but the excellent perfromance and whaky use of cinematography allowed them to create something so different yet so good.
  • They used special effects e.g the same person was mirrowed 3 times to create surrealism
  • They had a continous rebellious,fun theme which was held throughout
  • Quick shots were used throughhout yet each time matched the beat of the music wheich allowed it to work effectivly.It also kept me interested because it was different,fun and busy.

The next video i watched was Chris Brown-dont judge me:

  • I noticed he uses a lot of special effects e.g motion movement to create relaism;slow motion;special effects lighting etc.
  • In this video also alot of locations are used which compliments the video really well
  • Chris also uses a hjand held camera-which is a clever idea.I like this because it invloves the audience and makes it more personal.
  • Montage editing is also used,it allows the narrtive to flick back and fourth which allows it to make sense.
  • The costumes he wears also fit the genre hes portraying,his use of mise-en-scene has allowed him to create a very relaistic video,canging his identity (costume) to something different than hed usually wear.

The final video i looked at was Daft Punk-around the world:

    I found this video really weird and different,and ddint really understand it.But i felt it was good to include as its something completley different.
  • The perfomers were correctly dancing to the beat which allowed it to work well.     
  • It has comntinous editing with very little edits.
  • The dancers were dancing repeatvily all the way  through,so this beome quite boring.
  • I didnt undernstand the narrative,so this shos it was a poor video is tring to get a message across.
  • The lighting seemed very old fashioned
  • The video seems rushed asif it had been filmed in a very short space of time

Monday, 15 September 2014

What makes a good music video

Within our media lessons we have been watching and analysing music videos as to why they're good and why they're bad.I've looked closely at many music videos and its allowed me to see what conventions make a music video look good and professional.Ive identified many conventions and these are listed below:

What are the conventions of a good music video?

  • Special effects
  • lip syncing its done correctly
  • Good use of locations
  • Various camera angles/shots
  • Edits match pace of the song
  • Creative layout
  • Narrative thought out
  • Fast pace editing
  • Performace
The first video i watched was Ariana Grande-Problem featuring Iggy azealea.

The reason i chose this was because both artists are in the charts right now and are currently making No1s.I thought it would be interesting to see what there music videos entail and what makes it so popular.Within this music video i found it used a lot of special effects.I found this very effective,and the special effects were repeated throughout the video allowing it to flow without it looking clumsy, by having just 1 special effect being used.It added to the creativity of the music video and alomost allowed parts to be seen as 3D-which would be very appealing to a audience.The next thing i noticed was there was use of backing dancers which added to the performace of Ariana Grande and Iggy.This allowed the frames to be full and chaotic.Which fits with the face pace of the song.This leads me to my next point,this music video was very face paced,and the edits match the pace of the song correctly.Which allowed it to work really well.Every beat, the edits changes making it interesting but also allows it to have an effective layout.Various shots and use of camera angles are used in this video,theres an iconic use of a birds eye spin shot where Ariana Grande is laid down and the camera circles her form above.This is featured more than once and is a clever way of a simple shot made to look good just by a change of camera angle-and i hope to use something like this in my final product.It also uses many zooms and extreme close ups so you can see all the perfomers close up.Finally i noticed the song talks about a 'problem' with a boy,the boys shhown in a stereotypical 'trouble causer'costume that makes it relevant to the lyrics.

The next music video i looked at was Calvin Harris-Summer.

I chose to look at this music video as personally i like Calvin Harris as an artist and this song was a really big hit this year.This fist thing that stood out was the lyrics matched the video.For example at the beginning of the music video we see a long runway,youd associate this with goig on a holiday in'summer'.I think its a really good way to establish a holiday themed song as it associates with real life thibngs making it more understanble and believable.It also features a female model alot throughout the song but she mostly appears when the lyrics 'when i met you in the summer' so it allows the audeince to put a face to the lyrics allowing the story to flow alot better.Editing is of a emdium pace throughout the song,allowing each shot to be seen but without it been shown for to long.A noticeabke point with Calvins music video is the use of tracking shots.He use many of them to establish the seen,as hes wlaking the background is allowed to be seen by this shot which i think works really well.As this music video has a narrative montage editing isw sued which allwos the narrative to flash back and fourth scenes so the whole story is told well.

I then went on to watch Beyonce ft Jay Z-Drunk in love music video.

This msuic video really suprised me-in a good way.There is only 1 location used in this whole video,and if this is done badly it could turn out to be a really boring video.But Beyonce pulls it off and for not one minute you are bored.This is because of her range of shots and agles used.There a mixture of fades,close ups,extreme close ups and establishing shots.These duiffernt shots mix up the scences creating something different and takes away the fact shes in the same place.Beyonces also performing in a charcter in this video,i like this because its done really well and it works.If she played herself in this video the message may not translate as well,but because of her frantic moves and drunk like behaviour it corrosponds with the song title 'drunk in love' and works really well.Towards the end of the music video we see a male appear,which is Jayz.I like this because although there are performing there love is for real on the outside.This makes it special as when they sing togther you can see their passion and emotion which shows through when the lyrics are being sung.And this allows the narrative to come together as when they both start singing it almost completes the video endig it on a really hight note

After this i decided to look at something slow and completely differnt so went with Coldplay-Fix you

When this video starts the first thing i noticed was that there is only 1 man (the singer) in the whole shot.Hes constantly walking forward  while singing the song.Straightaway i feel this sets the right mood for what youd expect the narrative to be.The shots in this music at the beginning are quite lenghty,lasting up to 10 seconds each.This allows you to get a feel of the song as,and allows you to see th emotion he is singing with,as if it was fast paced it wouldnt match the beat of the songs and the edits wouldnt match.I also noticed a re-occuring code throughout,he sings the majority of the song with his head down.This code allows us to undertsand hes sad as it relates to an everyday action.I also like the fact this music video is shotat a night time,the dark scenery and gloomy amosphere completes the narrativly very well.Because if it was filmed on a bright sunny day,i dont believe it would have the same effect as it does on a night.Continuing with this point almost all the colour used throughout the whole video untill near the end is al dark.This included costume and scenery-a clever way to present the narative through mise-en-scene and location.As the lyrics progress we see various shots used while changing locations but still walking with his head down,almost asif hes walking about searching ton try and fix himself.This is the idea i get from it.He also lip syncs the song the whoe way through.This changes howevr as at the song comes to the final climax he starts to run asif hes found what hes needed.We see him run onto his own concert where his band and audience are waiting,and thwe last tie of his song 'i will try to fix you' is sung by him and the audience.A clever and moving way to end a narrative,as it makes it knwon that what needed to fix his is his passion for music.